Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the Road!

As I write this post, we are driving through Southern Virginia toward Wilkesboro, North Carolina.  While our first tour visit was on April 14th in Springfield, today marks the first day of the road trip.  Over the next twelve days we will be visiting six sites in six states with populations ranging from 1,500 to 160,000 in their communities.  Our tour will take us as far east as Wilkesboro, as far south as Baldwin, Louisiana; and as far west as Longview, Texas.  The schedule breaks down like this:

Today and Tomorrow (May 3rd & 4th):  Wilkesboro, NC
Thursday and Friday (May 5th & 6th):  Albany, GA
Monday (May 9th):  Pensacola, FL
Tuesday (May 10th):  Baldwin, LA
Thursday (May 12th):  Jackson, MS
Friday (May 13th):  Longview, Texas

We will be doing our best to update the blog on a daily basis as we travel with content much like our Springfield posts.  For more frequent updates, check out our twitter account (see above or follow us @CirclesTour).  Each Circles site we visit has its own unique story, and we intend to capture that as best we can and pass it along to you!  So stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Travel safe!

    Here is the link to the article on Springfield News Sun website...

